Thursday, November 6, 2014

What We Eat/Music

"What We Eat" About Music

                  "What We Eat" is a short article arguing that the fast food industry has altered what Americans eat, and that its methods and values have become the country's chief export (Schlosser). Schlosser states "fast food has infiltrated every nook and cranny of American society" (Schlosser). Anything we eat is affecting us as a person and becomes a part of us; no other industry offers that (Schlosser). So what is it that makes us determine what to eat.
                 I thought of a few things that can help answer this. What affects the things that we eat? After some long research I finally found a topic that I can work with. So I ask these questions: How does music alter what we eat? How can music affect the speed that we eat? My goal is to show you all just how deeply things can change what you consume.
                An article from the Cornell University Food and Brand Lab states that not only does the food differentiate a fast food place and a fine dining restaurant, but the music and lighting make a big difference (O'Sullivan). "If a restaurant is playing heavy metal on repeat you may want to eat your food quickly," O'Sullivan stated in the article (O'Sullivan). To prove all this, they conducted a study to see if they were to change the lighting and music, what kinds of things would change. Consumers were randomly put into either a normal fast food setting or the altered setting. They were then asked some questions and had data collected on the time they were there and what they had all ordered. They found out that by changing the atmosphere, it can increase food intake and the rating of the food (O'Sullivan). So I feel that companies would benefit if they dimmed their lights and played some softer music.
                This wasn't the only article that had stated these same facts about the atmosphere of restaurants, they all lead to the same conclusion. What we eat can be changed very quickly by the setting of the restaurant. After all, food becomes a part of us and who we are so shouldn't we enjoy it while we can.

 O'Sullivan, Christina, and Sandra Cuellar-Healey. "Music and Light." Music and Light. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Nov. 2014.

Schlosser, Eric. "What We Eat." 2001. Back to the Lake. Ed. Thomas Cooley. 2nd ed. New York: Norton, 2012. 667-74. Print.

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